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Rear Ended Accidents

Rear Ended Accidents– What You Need To Know

A rear ended accident can happen to anyone. They make up 28% of all automotive accidents according to the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA).

You are more than just the 1 out of three cars involved in a rear-ended crash. Your case is as unique as you are. We understand it is stressful, inconvenient, and in some cases, painful.

Let’s be clear, a rear ended accident is not pleasant. But it helps to understand how the law in Florida looks at these cases.

What is a Rear Ended Accident?

You may already have an idea what a rear-ended crash is – another vehicle hitting the back of your vehicle. Florida is pretty clear on who is responsible when another vehicle hits the rear end of your car. This is because rear-ended accidents only happen in a few ways. By not maintaining an adequate distance between their vehicle and yours, they are not obeying traffic laws.

In most cases, the other driver covers your damages and recovery. Make sure you hire a rear ended accident attorney with experience. Otherwise, you may not receive the full compensation you deserve!

What should you do as a rear-ended victim?

Our sympathy goes out to victims of a rear-ended crash. Usually in rear-ended cases, the victim was minding their own business, perhaps driving to work or home, and all of a sudden they (you!) are hit from behind.

Once the police arrive, they will have questions about your rear ended accident. If you go to a hospital, officers might meet you there to ask you questions. Be honest. It is okay to say you don’t know something! It is much better to go back and give more information later and give incorrect information to start with.

Start a notebook. Write down dates, events, and anything that happens to you. You will thank yourself later!

Contact us as soon as you can. Our talented team of attorneys will want to start working on your case immediately. If your insurance company calls you, please do not give them a statement until you have spoken to our team. We are here to help YOU!

Proving Your Case

You might worry about how you will recover from your injuries, or have transportation, or even how to report a rear-ended accident to your insurance company. In cases like this, you should contact a Florida Accident attorney with experience in rear ended accident cases like us at Pardy and Rodriguez. We have multiple offices across the state and will work with you and your schedule.

We understand that you’re worried about your future and we will do everything we can to get you back on track.

Bonus Fact:

According to a study by Daimler-Benz, if drivers had just a half a second of additional warning time, 60% of rear-end collisions would not happen. A full second of warning time would prevent about 90% of rear-end collisions.

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