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Distracted Driving Accident Lawyers

What You Need To Know

Proving someone was a distracted driver is not easy, so its essential to contact the police right away, and hire an experienced distracted driving attorney. We understand that you are in pain. You are not alone. We are here to help you through this.

Right after an accident with a distracted driver, if you are able, take photos of the area, or anything you think may have caused a distraction. Sometimes a driver may spill a drink, or was in the process of applying makeup. A cell phone open on the seat next to them may have been a cause as well.

Let the police officer on the scene know what happened, and what you suspect.

Our experienced attorneys will immediately begin investigating the details of your case. We work hard for you, but we also understand how difficult this time of your life can be. A distracted driving case needs special attention to detail, and with our courtroom experience, we know exactly how to help you and your family recover from your tragic losses.

Let’s be clear, a distracted driving case is not easy. But it helps to understand how the law in Florida looks at these cases.

What is “distracted driving”?

Anything that takes your attention from driving is a distraction. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says there are three types of distracted driving.

  • Visual, taking your eyes off the road.
  • Manual, taking your hands off the wheel.
  • Cognitive, taking your mind off your driving.

In Florida, we are still working to bring harder consequences for distracted drivers. According to the Florida DMV, in 2015 319,000 people suffered injuries in the US as a result of distracted driving.

In 2017, there were 49,288 distraction-related accidents in Florida. A whopping 34,039 crashes were the result of driver inattentiveness, while 162 were due to texting. Texting while driving is illegal in Florida, but using a cell phone is not. But using a cell phone while driving reduces reaction time by 40%! It is not just cell phones that cause distractions. Eating, drinking, changing the radio station, or interacting with passengers can also be distracting, and put you and your loved ones in danger.

Distracted driving is a preventable accident, which is why you need to have a very experienced distracted driving lawyer helping you.

What should you do as a distracted driving victim?

Once the police arrive, they will have questions about your accident. Tell the officer why you think the other driver was distracted. Be honest. It is okay to say you don’t know something! It is much better to go back and give more information later than to give incorrect information to start with.

Start a notebook. Write down dates, events, and anything that happens to you. You will thank yourself later!

Contact us as soon as you can. Our talented team of attorneys will want to start working on your case immediately. If your insurance company calls you, please do not give them a statement until you have spoken to our team. We are here to help YOU!

Proving Your Case

You might worry about how you will prove a distracted driving event to your insurance company. In cases like this, you should contact a Florida distracted driving attorney like us at Pardy and Rodriguez. We have multiple offices across the state and will work with you and your schedule. We understand that you’re worried about your future and we will do everything we can to get you back on track.

Bonus Fact:

During daylight hours, approximately 481,000 drivers are using cell phones while driving. If you or a loved one is going through a crash or has suffered the loss of a loved one, we will fight for you.

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