5 Steps To Take After Being Involved in an Automobile Accident
After an accident, people are often unclear on what to do next. Statistically, most accidents involve people who have never been in one before.
The team at Pardy & Rodriguez has provided this guide to help you successfully navigate this difficult period. as always, feel free to call or contact us at anytime and we can answer any question you may have.
The first and most important step is to:
1. Seek Medical Attention
Seek medical attention if you’ve been injured in an accident the first thing you want to do is seek a qualified medical professional. Make sure to keep detailed records of every doctors visit, x-rays, MRI’s or any other applicable medical files.
Here are the 5 steps to take, following an accident
Following an accident, it can be confusing to know which steps to take. We have provided this handy guide to help you successfully navigate this difficult period.
1. Seek Medical Attention
Seek medical attention if you’ve been injured in an accident the first thing you want to do is seek a qualified medical professional. Make sure to keep detailed records of every doctors visit, x-rays, MRI’s or any other applicable medical files.
2. Contact an Attorney
You should have an attorney represent your case because they know how to fight and negotiate the legal system in order to get you the highest possible compensation. Make sure to hire an attorney who specializes in Personal Injury Law.
3. Appointments and Correspondence
If you are unable to keep an appointment with your doctor, our office, or anyone else regarding this case, notify them that you are canceling and arrange for a new appointment date. if you receive calls or letters from us, please reply at once. Delay may be detrimental to your case. Mail all correspondence and forms you receive from others to our office (including those from your own insurance company). PLEASE DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING WITHOUT FIRST CONTACTING US.
4. Keep Track of Expenses
Keep a record of all expenses connected with your case. Save all bills and receipts from doctors, pharmacies, hospital, repair estimates and other bills, and mail them to us.
5. Keep Your Attorney up to Date
Changes in your address or phone number; Change in your employment; Changes in your physical condition; Date of your return to work; Date of your discharge from the hospital and doctor; Material facts which occur after our initial interview, such as the names of possible witnesses.
We hope that you never have to use our services, but we are willing to fight for you if you do.