Category Archives: Truck Accident
The Role of Trucking Regulations in Preventing Accidents
The immense size and weight of commercial trucks make them more dangerous than passenger vehicles. A fully loaded tractor-trailer can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, creating significant momentum and requiring longer stopping distances. This disparity in size and weight underscores the critical importance of trucking regulations in mitigating the risks associated with these vehicles… Read More »

FedEx Truck Accidents in Florida: Are You a Victim?
FedEx truck accidents in Florida aren’t an infrequent occurrence, and often result in deaths and loss of property. There are times when FedEx truck drivers are under pressure to deliver products in the shortest time possible, and the rush sometimes results in crashes on the road. Here is everything you should know about FedEx… Read More »

Florida Truck Accident Statistics
Year after year, Florida remains a constant contributor to truck accident mortalities in the United States. The effects of any traffic accident can be shattering, but when an automobile collides with a commercial truck, a tractor-trailer, or an 18-wheeler, the vehicle’s occupants are likely to suffer serious injury or even death. Compared to how… Read More »

Orlando Garbage and Work Truck Accidents
If someone mentions truck accidents, chances are you will imagine a massive 18-wheeler careening into a helpless passenger vehicle. While this is a common problem on Florida roadways, there are other serious truck accidents that can occur, as well. For example, garbage and work trucks can be involved in accidents throughout Orlando. While these… Read More »

6 Ways to Avoid an Accident with a Semi-Truck
In the United States, there are 15.5 million trucks in operation. Two million of these are tractor-trailers, also known as semi-trucks, and they drive the same roadways that you drive. So, how can you avoid an accident with a semi-truck that is nearly 25 times the size of your vehicle? Here are some driving… Read More »

When You Need a Local Truck Accident Injury Lawyer
Being in a traffic accident is terrifying. It may take only seconds, but it could affect the rest of your life. You may sustain an injury that can change you forever. You could even end up paying medical bills for the rest of your days. That’s especially true if you’re hit by a truck… Read More »

Truck Accident 101: What Comes Next?
Auto accidents are, unfortunately, incredibly common occurrences, and often they can be devastatingly deadly. In fact, 1.2 million people die in car accidents every year across the globe. It’s no secret that all cars have the potential to be dangerous, but this is even more true for larger trucks. Larger vehicles can be more… Read More »