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Zantac Lawsuit

“It sure is unfair that you trade a little relief from heartburn with medicine that doctors and pharmacies said was safe for a much greater threat- Cancer!”

We have all been there.  We had a large meal with friends and family and eaten something that gave us a little heartburn. For some, heartburn is a very common occurrence. Heartburn (GERD) is uncomfortable and can be painful. A quick trip to almost any drug store or pharmacy will provide some treatment options including Zantac. When heartburn becomes frequently, or you have been diagnosed with GERD, a doctor may also write you a prescription for Zantac.  Zantac is a common prescription for heartburn or GERD.  Zantac and its generic equivalent, Ranitdine, go by several common names: Zantac 75, Zantac, Wal-Zan 150, Acid Reducer (ranitidine), Wal-Zan 75, Zantac Maximum Strength, Heartburn Relief (ranitidine), and Acid Control (ranitidine).

Zantac was used as an antacid and antihistamine for the treatment and prevention of heartburn. Zantac was also prescribed or given for other reasons such as stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and for other health conditions causing the body to produce too much stomach acid.

For some, Zantac has the alarming negative side effect of contributing to or causing cancer, or in medical terms, is “carcinogenic”. Carcinogens cause cancer by altering the cellular metabolism or by damaging DNA in our cells, thereby interfering with our normal cellular processes.

Because Zantac can cause cancer, on April 1, 2020, the United States FDA requested the immediate withdrawal of all Ranitidine (ZANTAC and generics) products from the market.[1] Specifically, the FDA issued a warning that the popular heartburn drug Zantac had been found to contain N-nitrosodimethylamine, or NDMA, a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance). NDMA is classified as a probable human carcinogen (a substance that could cause cancer) based on results from laboratory tests.

Zantac’s adverse risks have only recently been discovered. According to the FDA, the reason that Zantac has now been determined to be carcinogenic is “improved technology that enables us to detect even trace amounts of impurities in drug products and may be the reason why more products have been found to have low levels of nitrosamines.”[2]

However, earlier evidence, including a 2016 study conducted by Stanford University discovered it as well as a 2004 study also found a link to Zantac’s cancer causing effects .[3] In drugs like Zantac, when the active ingredient of the drug breaks down in our body unsafe levels of NDMA are created. NDMA does not exist in the natural environment, but it can cause irreversible harm to our bodies like causing cancer.

A trusted drug prescribed for a common ailment like Zantac should never have been allowed in our drug stores and pharmacies, much less prescribed to you or your loved ones.

Cancer comes in many forms, and impacts us all. Here are some of the cancers caused by NDMA/NDEA exposure, including but not limited to the following:

  • Stomach Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Small Intestine Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Kidney (Renal) Cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  • Multiple Myeloma

If you or a loved one have been taking the medication Zantac or a generic and are/or were suffering from any of the cancers/conditions listed above, you may be entitled to compensation. Please contact Pardy & Rodriguez today for your FREE consultation.  There are no attorney’s fees or costs unless we make a recovery for you.



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The Law Offices of Pardy & Rodriguez, P.A. are committed to helping people who have suffered due to a personal injury, wrongful death, or property loss. With law offices located in Orlando, Kissimmee, Poinciana, Davenport, Tampa, and Bradenton, we represent clients throughout the great state of Florida. To give clients the best possible opportunity for success, we use modern information technology and enlist the assistance of expert witnesses as necessary for the development of case evidence. Our partners, attorneys Matthew D. Pardy and Eduardo Rodriguez, put more than 45 years of combined legal experience to work for you.


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